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         Why Discipleship? 

We believe that the Bible teaches that every Christian is called to a lifelong journey of discipleship.  Jesus called his followers to BE disciples, and to MAKE disciples.  Discipleship is intentionally equipping believers with the Word of God through accountable relationships, and through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, in order to reproduce faithful followers of Christ.  In other words, we want to be a church of disciples who make disciples.


   Why a Discipleship Pathway?

This primary pathway (and we will have others) is the main journey for both new and mature believers at CCAC.  It provides a common ground and covers many of the basic elements of the Christian life.  The path is most easily followed by groups of 2, 3, or 4 people (Life Transformation Groups) meeting together on a regular basis.  Mature Christians will continue to learn while encouraging those newer to the faith.  These newer believers should then be able to lead others along the same path, participating in Christ’s Great Commission.

Helping people experience wholeness
through a life-changing relationship with Jesus

Christ Community Alliance Church is an Evangelical Christian Church,

located both in Orange and East Barre, Vermont in the USA.

Christ Community Alliance Church. Orange and East Barre, Vermont, USA. 802-476-6454 .

Sunday Worship at Orange 9:00 AM      Sunday Worship at East Barre 10:45 AM

           Pastor Brad Forlow, Senior Pastor

      (update 2/16/25)

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