Who we are, what we aspire to be, what motivates us, what we stand for.
The core values of Christ Community Alliance Church are six critical components of our call. Our core values are the things we measure our church by. We use these for our planning, our self evaluation, our very heartbeat. These six values are the pillars of Christ Community Alliance Church. Our non-negotiable core. Not to say that we always exemplify these perfectly but we know what we are aiming for.
Christ IS life
Everything we do flows from who Jesus is as our Savior, Sanctifier, Healer, and Coming King.
Family Life
We want an authentic community, bound together by Christ-centered relationships. We want to be a family on mission.a
Empowered Life
Equipping and Empowering people to grow spiritually and serve effectively in their day to day lives and then releasing them to do so.n the home. Genesis 2:23-24
Passionate Life
Worship and prayer that brings us into the transformational presence of God is foundational.
Biblical LIfe
Biblical Truth should be fully integrated into daily life.
Transforming Life
Reaching out to the lost and hurting in OUR world with the life-changing love of Christ.ips i